
CCRUM organises activities to mark Swachhata Pakhwada

New Delhi: The Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine (CCRUM) observed Swachhata Pakhwada at its headquarters and institutes across the country with the objective of bringing a fortnight of intense focus on the issues and practices of sanitation, cleanliness and hygiene.

Inaugurating the activities, Prof. Asim Ali Khan, Director General, CCRUM and Advisor (Unani), Ministry of Ayush, Government of India highlighted the aims of Swachhta Pakhwada. He said that efforts are made to ensure maximum participation of citizens in Swachhta activities with the aim to transform Swachh Bharat Mission into a citizen’s movement. He appealed to people to come together to make the country clean and hygienic.

During the fortnight, an intense drive for cleanliness and improvement of sanitation was undertaken at the CCRUM headquarters and institutes / units throughout the country. Besides, various competitions like debate, quiz, essay writing, slogan writing, drawing, painting and webinar were organized to create awareness about cleanliness, sanitation and hygiene among the employees. The winners of the competitions were presented prizes and certificates. Plantation at office premises was also undertaken.