
CCRUM organising seminar on IPR at lucknow today

New Delhi / Lucknow, : The Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine (CCRUM), in collaboration with National Medicinal Plants Board (NMPB), Ministry of Ayush, Government of India is going to organizing a National Seminar on “Intellectual Property Rights” at its Central Research Institute of Unani Medicine (CRIUM), Lucknow on August 30, 2022.
The seminar is aimed to sensitize, train and create awareness among the researchers and faculty members form various institutes as well as from CCRUM. Various aspects like IPR management, patent filing, patent monitoring, protection of traditional knowledge, patent rules and regulations are to be covered in the event.
Shri Pramod Kumar Pathak, Special Secretary, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India, Prof. Javed Musarrat, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Integral University, Lucknow and Prof. Asim Ali Khan, Director General, CCRUM, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India will address the inaugural function of the seminar. Dr. Mohammad Nafees Khan, Deputy Director Incharge, CRIUM, Lucknow will deliver welcome address.
The seminar is being coordinated by Dr. Pawan Kumar, Research Officer (Pathology) Scientist-IV and Dr. Usama Akram, Research Officer (Unani), CCRUM, Headquarters, New Delhi.