Ludhiana, Pakistan govt. has refused to Shihab Chottur, going to Hajj pilgrimage through Pakistan on foot from Kerala. This was stated by Shahi Imam, Punjab, Maulana Mohammad Usman Rahmani, Ludhianvi addressing a press conference here in Head Office, Majlis Ahrar Islam.The Shahi Imam, Maulana Usman Ludhianvi said that as Shihab Chottur is passing from our Punjab, I happened to meet him many times. Through these meetings it is pretty clear that the Pakistani embassy in Delhi has infact cheated the pilgrim on foot. First the Pakistani embassy assured Shihab Chottur to continue the journey & told him, when you reach near to Indo Pak border, you would be given Visa. The Embassy gave the logic that visa would expire if given in advance. So the visa would be issued as soon as Shihab Chottur arrives the border. The Shahi Imam said now when Shihab Chottur has nearly reached the border completing nearly 3 thousand kilometers, the Pakistan govt. has clearly refused to issue the visa as usual. The Shahi Imam said that this attitude of Pakistani officials have not surprised him, because they are used to this cheating. The Shahi Imam said that the muslims of India have never expected any thing from Pakistani govt. This is the first time during last over 75 years when an Indian muslim is going on pilgrimage to Mecca & they are not even allowing to pass through their land. Is it because Shihab Chottur is an Indian muslim, Pakistani govt. is not issuing him a transit visa. Shahi Imam said, shame on Pakistani govt. who advertises in the whole world the name of Islam & now creating obstacles in the pilgrimage of Shihab Chottur. The Shahi Imam said on one hand the public of Pakistan on social media is talking about huge welcome & on the other hand the govt. of Pakistan is keeping mum after imposing a ban on Hajj pilgrimage on foot. This double standard, I fail to understand said Shahi Imam. If the govt. of Pakistan is in this misunderstanding that it can stop this Indian Hajj pilgrim then she should understand, Shihab Chottur would Insha Allah certainly go to Mecca from India. If Pakistan stops him, he would continue his journey via China, Kazakhistan. The Shahi Imam Maulana Mohd Usman Rahmani Ludhianvi said, we have also communicated the P.M Shri Narender Bhai Modi on this issue through e-mail. And we have demanded that instead of Pakistan, the govt. of India should facilitate Shihab Chottur for his pilgrimage via China. So that the double standard of Pakistan should be exposed before the world’s whole Islamic countries. The Shahi Imam said when Shihab Chottur started his journey on foot from Kerala to Wagha border not only he was provided security by the state govts. rather given warm welcome. This is the beauty of India which Pakistan can never understand. On a question raised, the Shahi Imam said he was going to meet Shihab Chottur tomorrow noon to Shri Amritsar Sahib.
The on foot Hajj journey of Shihab Chottur : The double standard of Pakistani govt. exposed.The Pak Embassy refuses to issue Visa. Appeal to Modi ji to get the journey completed via China : Shahi Imam, Punjab.
October 2, 20220

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