
JMI organises Quiz Competition ‘AAGHAAZ’22’

Quizento – The Official Quiz Club of Jamia Millia Islamia(JMI)  organised the first offline quizzing event of the session, at the FTK-CIT Conference Hall on 29th September 2022, under the aegis of the Jamia Cultural Committee, Office of the Dean, Students’ Welfare (DSW). The event, “Aaghaaz’22” was an intra- university competition aiming to gather the potential students interested in quizzing, fostering the spirit of curiosity and to make the Jamia quizzing culture more dynamic and engaging. This was the first offline event after a gap of two years, owing to the pandemic.

The event was administered by Quizmaster, Rajibul Awal, who has been a part of several national and international quizzes, in an engaging and free format, making the audience amused and involved. The quiz was divided into two parts, the first one being the preliminary written round, featuring twenty-six brain-twisting questions, each of whose answer corresponded to the English alphabet, this enacted a warm and extra-ordinary response from the audience. Eight teams, who showed exemplary performance in the first round, went forward with their journey to the finals. The finalists competed in an intense battle of wits, to reach the Top 3.

Rishabh Gogoi from AJK Mass Communication Research Centre, topped the scoreboard with a whooping score of 179. Prejomon Sunny and Shivansh Ganjoo from MMAJ Academy of International Studies secured second position, followed by Mohd. Faheem from Nelson Mandela Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution and Mohd. Aslah from Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management at third position.

After congratulating the team behind the efforts, DSW Prof. Ibraheem  highlighted the importance of co-curricular activities in a student’s holistic growth and encouraged the club for its future endeavors.

“This event marks the restart of quizzing culture in Jamia.” said Professor M. K. Nabi, Convenor Quizento. “I feel elated to see the response of the students.” he added.

“Our team did an outstanding job in just two weeks, I’m in awe of their professionalism and dedication.” said Nabiha Fatima, Student Convenor, Quizento. “Because of them, Quizento stands, where it stands today.” she further stated.

The event came to an end with an address of thanks by the Student Convenor of the club.