
JMI Professor gets prestigious JCB Award for Literature

 The Paradise of Food, English translation of the Urdu novel Nemat Khana by a prominent contemporary fiction writer Prof. Khalid Jawed, Department of Urdu, Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI) won the most coveted literary award ‘JCB Award for Literature 2022’. Prof. Jawed received the award trophy and the cash prize of 25 lakh rupees. The novel has been translated into English by Prof. Baran Farooqui. She also received the award money of 10 lakh rupees separately.

The winner was announced by Lord Bamford, Chairman, JCB, virtually, and the the trophy was handed over to Prof. Jawed by Mr. Sunil Khurana, Chief Operating Officer, JCB India and AS Panneerselvan, Chair of Jury for 2022 at an impressive function at The Oberoi, New Delhi.

Prof. Jawed said it is a very happy moment for him, “Every day we look for small joys in the world around us and I too have had few moments of true happiness in my life and today this award has brought one such moment of joy.”

JMI Vice-Chancellor Prof. Najma Akhtar termed it as a very proud moment for the university. She congratulated Prof. Jawed in his great achievement and wished him the best for all his future endeavours.

JCB Award, which relates to contemporary fiction in 22 languages of India, is recognized as equivalent to the Booker Prize.  It is of course a matter of pride for not only JMI but for the entire Urdu world.

Anchored in the space of a kitchen, the novel is the story of a typical middle-class Muslim family, revolving around hunger, violence, love, guilt, and confession.

Prof. Khalid Jawed’s three novels Maut Ki Kitab, Nemat Khana and Ek Khanjar Pani Mein have become very popular and his fourth novel Arsalan Aur Behzad is going to be released very soon. His novel Maut Ki Kitab  was translated as the Book of Death by Dr A Naseeb Khan.

He has also been honoured with many prestigious awards by prominent literary institutions across the country.