
Team from University of Applied Sciences, Germany visits JMI

 An international team led by Prof. Rehklau Christine and nine students from the University of Applied Sciences, Erfurt, Germany called on Prof. Najma Akhtar, Vice Chancellor, Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI) to share about academic and field engagement during their stay at JMI.  The German team is visiting for ten days from February 20, 2023 to March 02, 2023 as part of an Academic Exchange Program with the Department of Social Work, JMI.

Prof. Neelam Sukhramani, Head, Department of Social Work, JMI made an elaborate presentation about the student exchange programme and importance of this fruitful association between the two institutions over two decades. She also shared in detail about the programme schedule of the ongoing visit to the Vice Chancellor Prof. Najma Akhtar.

Prof. Najma Akhtar, Vice Chancellor, JMI welcomed the team and interacted with the team about their visit and expectations. She also shared ideas about making the visit a memorable experience for the team. Her suggestions were also offered on other departments and institutions that the team could visit during their stay.

The visit is coordinated by Prof. Ashvini Kumar Singh Dr. Lalhmingmawii Gangte, faculty members from Department of Social Work, JMI. An elaborate schedule where exposure to interventions in the areas of child protection, inclusive education, gender-based violence, homelessness, substance abuse, rural livelihoods has been drawn out for the team. The team would also be exposed to rural realities. The program would enable the participants to understand the context of social work practice in India as well as the varied interventions at the micro, mezzo and macro level.

The programme concluded with the exchange of Mementos.