
JMI organise Technical Festival ‘Celestra’

 The student chapters of the professional societies, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) and Subject Association of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI) organized a Technical Festival “Celestra” on 16th March 2023 to commemorate India’s G20 presidency .

The event was inaugurated by Prof. Mini Thomas, Dean, Faculty of Engineering & Technology, JMI. She elaborated on the importance of being a member of an International professional society for the students of engineering, since such memberships provide access to a wealth of information on the industry, opportunities to connect and volunteer with professionals who share the same passion, interest and guidance throughout the professional journey.

Prof. Zahid Akhtar Khan, Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering, welcomed the faculty members and the students to the event and further emphasized on the importance of professional societies in the present scenario. He encouraged the freshers to enroll in any of the professional societies of their interest, since almost all technical societies are multi-disciplinary. The fest had 8 technical competitive events, such as Product Design Simulation, Case Study, Word Hunt, Shark Tank, Quiz, Art fusion, Richer Rumble, etc. Students from the Faculty of Engineering & Technology and other faculties participated in these events.

The fest was coordinated by Prof. Sabah Khan, faculty coordinator for the technical fest. The student chapters’ Heads of ASME and SAE, Adnan Qayyum Khan and Moazzam Farooque, respectively along with their team members, Mohammed Qasim Farooqui, Mayank Anmol, Hiba Zia, Muskan and many others worked hard in a short span of time to successfully organize the fest . The valedictory function at the end of the day culminated with the distribution of certificates to the winners of individual events by Prof. Zahid Akhtar Khan and other faculty members.