Agra. Haji Muhammad Iqbal, Khatib and Imam Juma of Nahar Wali Masjid located in Sikandra said in the Khutba Juma that Today’s sermon on Friday will be about Ramadan. We all have seen how fast the holy month of Ramadan has come and now it is ready to go. It shows that our life is passing by fast and we do not even realize, Now after Ramadan, if we return to our old life, then consider that we have not gained anything from Ramadan and if there is a change in our life after Ramadan, then consider that the month of Ramadan has already given us its blessings. Our prayers are on time after Ramadan, we are also taking care of other people, now we are fasting on Mondays and Thursdays, we also completed the six fasts of Shawwal, we have placed patience and gratitude in ourselves, If we take care of our parents, relatives, friends and the poor, then we have gained a lot from Ramadan and if we haven’t done all this then another Ramadan has come and gone as usual. The speed with which this blessed month has passed we must alert that very soon we are also going to meet our Lord, so what do we have that our Lord will be pleased with us? Let us understand this today that it will not help us to understand at that time. O servants of Allah! It will be easy only when we please our Lord, as long as there is life. First we have to change ourselves, then Allah’s help will come to us, this is the rule of Allah. Whatever time of Ramadan is still left, consider it a blessing and convince your Lord. Ask forgiveness to Allah for the time that passed. We could not pay what we had for Ramadan. May Allah forgive us! Aameen!
If there is a change in our life after Ramadan, then understand that Ramadan has blessed us with its blessings – Haji Muhammad Iqbal