
What can be more unfortunate for any Muslim than those who keep religion at the second place for personal gain, Haji Muhammad Iqbal.

Agra. Haji Muhammad Iqbal, preacher and Friday imam of Nehrwali Mosque, Agra, said in today’s Friday sermon, we will talk about those people who keep Deen second for their own benefit, what can be more unfortunate for a Muslim than this, that he ignores his Deen, There is a great message for us in one incident of Allah’s Prophet during the Mecca Period, his uncle Abu Talib once called him and told him to “Adopt a style of compromise with the community.” In response, Rasulallah Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam said, “O my uncle!  Even if these people bring the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left hand, I will not leave this work. This incident tells that we have to keep ‘deen above’ in any situation, if someone is standing on this reality where even the sun and the moon are small for him, then that person can never ‘adopt the style of compromise’. On the contrary, if a person sees evil in the community, but does not condemn it for his own benefit, or puts religion second only for his own benefit, or adopts a compromising approach, so, in a way, he sacrificed his religion, whether it was for a chair, for marriage, for money or for fame. Whoever put religion on the second number, has turn away from the right path. As long as we do not put Deen first, the humiliation and disgrace will remain. There is a need to pay attention to what is happening today. Each one of us should calculate our own as well as that of our home that where are we going? In this incident of the Mecca period there is a way for us that what we have to do. Pray to Allah that may Allah keep us all on the right path. Aameen.