
There is a need to be very careful in the matter of misunderstanding or suspicion – Haji Muhammad Iqbal

Agra. Khatib and Imam-e-Juma Haji Muhammad Iqbal of the Nahar Wali Masjid located in Sikandra said in the Khutba-e-Juma that In today’s Friday sermon, we will talk about such a dangerous thing under whose influence, scholars, wise men, women, rich, poor, cities and villages, all have come. The only difference is that some have come less and some have come more. Yes! Everyone is under its wrap, the name of that thing is ‘Misunderstanding’. First of all, let us understand the Bukhari Hadith number 6045 so that it can be understood easily, “Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam said, when a person accuses someone of adultery or accuses someone of disbelief, then the blame is on himself returns, if the other person is not like that. This hadith needs to be studied repeatedly so that it is remembered well. This hadith is very serious. In the light of this, we all need to be very careful about misunderstanding or mistrust, if any person says something about someone else, then you do not have to believe it immediately, unless you have not get complete information about this. Half or incomplete information becomes very serious issues in future, its loss takes the whole society in its fold, it becomes a matter of an ethical crime or Shariah crime. That’s why it is very important not to believe anything until you have proof of it, otherwise you and the person, who ‘accused’ anyone else, will himself come under the ‘range’ of this Hadith and will be declared guilty. This is such a serious issue, we need utmost precaution. Misunderstanding or mistrust is not a common thing to hear from one ear and made your opinion on it. It is a matter of great responsibility, therefore it becomes necessary to avoid it for your own betterness, otherwise it will become its own issue, that is why it is necessary to play a very serious role in this matter. May Allah give us all the right understanding and save us from this disease. Aameen.