Agra. Haji Muhammad Iqbal Khatib and Imam of Nahar Wali Masjid, in his Khutba-e-Juma, said that In today’s Friday sermon, there will be talk of such a principle which we all adopt on a special occasion but do not put into permanent practice, that principle is ‘avoid confrontation’, when it rains, you immediately move to avoid the rain. You go to a shady place to avoid getting wet, similarly when an earthquake occurs, you try to move to an open place immediately to be safe, because both rain and earthquake are things you try to avoid. If you stay in the open field to avoid the rain, then it is not possible to escape. Similarly, if you stay inside the house at the time of earthquake, you are still in danger, so you solved it by changing the place immediately. This is wise, otherwise you would have come in the loss list, because both the things are not in your control, that you can stop them or control them, from this the principle came to know that if something is not in your control, then wisdom says to keep quite, do not confront that, otherwise the list of losses is ready. But in other places we completely ignore this principle and thus it becomes a confrontational situation. The simple thing is to understand that if anywhere we feel that this thing is ‘not in our control’, then it is better to avoid it, this is the successful principle. You can include many examples in this, in the Quran Allah Ta’ala has said very clearly in Surah Ana’am Ayat number 32 “Why don’t you act wisely?” That’s why it is important for us to always remember this ‘message’ of Quran, then we can avoid many problems, may Allah give us the ability to follow Quran. Aameen.
Avoid confrontation is wise- Haji Muhammad Iqbal
June 2, 20230
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