
Bad situations and their solutions – Haji Muhammad Iqbal

Agra. Haji Muhammad Iqbal, Khatib and Imam Juma of Nahar Wali Masjid located in Sikandra, said in the Khutba-e-Juma that In today’s Friday sermon, we will focus on the fact that in the world in which we are living, difficulties, problems, issues, troubles, complications, conspiracies, etc. come at every step. We can include some more in this, we often have to face all these things and being humans, we get ‘tensed’ by it and in a way, it is the reality of life. What is the solution to this question? Should we do any movement against all these or start fighting with it, which will only increase the damage. According to the human society, there is only one solution to this, that somehow ‘we should try to convert all these things into opportunities’ for ourselves. This principle has to be understood from a verse of Quran. In Surah Aale Imran Ayat number 120, Allah has explained it in this way: “if you are patient and fear Allah, their plots will not harm you at all.” Patience is a great strength. Wish! We would know it. Allah has told that if you do this act, then no one’s conspiracy will be able to do anything to you. This is the law of Allah. We have to pay attention to this. As there are difficulties in this life, in the same way there are ‘opportunities’ for us. According to Islam, the wise way in such a situation is to ignore all the problems and make use of the opportunities. Getting entangled with problems is just a waste of time. The solution is the same as Allah told in the Quran. Now we have to decide whether to waste time by getting entangled in problems or use the opportunity with patience. Quran has told this principle of how trouble can be converted into opportunity, the one who follows the principle of Quran is wise. May Allah make all of us follower of Quran. Aameen.