Agra. Haji Muhammad Iqbal, Khatib and Imam Juma of Nahar Wali Masjid located in Sikandra, said in the Khutba-e-Juma that In today’s Friday sermon, we will talk about liaison, how important it is in our lives, first understand this in the light of this Hadith, in Musnad Ahmad’s Hadith No. 5022, it is said that “The believer who reconcile with people and is patient with their torture is more in reward than the one who does not do so.” What a great thing has been pointed out, Allah has sent the believer in this world with a responsibility. That is the responsibility of the one who preaches deen. It is a great responsibility on a believer that the work for which Allah sent the prophets, now a believer has to do that work and the first step in that is liaison. If you are successful in that then only you can convey the message of Allah to others. It is very important for it that our relations should be good with the one to whom we are preaching, only then he will be able to listen to what we want to explain to him in the form of Allah’s message. This is the way to convey the message of Allah, in the same way we can do our responsibility and to be social is also a universal system. Man also have to adopt this system. This system is mentioned by Allah in Quran in Surah Yasin verse number 40 as follows: “The system of the universe is running smoothly, without mutual conflicts, through mutual liaison.” In the same way, the system of human life can also run properly. If man adopts this universal system and the mission which Allah has given to the believer, then it is not possible without it. That’s why it is important that we maintain liaison with each other, especially with those people to whom we preach the deen. ‘Gentleness’ is essential for a preacher. Allah had specifically told Musa Alaihissalam to talk to Pharaoh ‘gently’. May Allah grant us all the ability to liaison. Aameen.
How important is liaison!Haji Muhammad Iqbal
June 16, 20230

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