
Need to Connect with our Roots . Educate Indian thoughts in management education

Agra.Hindustan institute of management and computer studies in association with centre of excellence of Indian thought and management , MDI Gurugram organised a panel discussion and yoga and meditation program for the youth

The programme addressed the issue that this is the high time to go back to our roots . In the panel discussion Dr Naveen Gupta , Director HIMCS shared that in which direction are culture is moving we are following western culture blindly ,we as a  results have achieved profit but there is lot of turbulence and restlessness in the society exists. He discussed the recent case of the live and relationship of Manoj and Saraswati then our generation need to be careful we need to teach them what is right especially with reference to our  culture we are blindly following the western culture.

A  recent case of a relationship between Manoj and Saraswati from Mumbai has raised a lot of issues. few precautions can be taken. Please check the following ten points:


  1. Assess the level of aggression of your partner. If this aggression is uncontrollable, then reconsider your relationship.

2.Assess their drinking behavior. If the drinking behavior is excessive, it is important to think twice about the relationship.

3.Consider any signs of drug addiction.

4.Evaluate  values for social relationships.

5.Take note of any significant mood swings.

6..Consider the family background.

7.Look for signs of any sexual disorders.

8.Assess how much they respect your relationship with your parents and family members.

9.Consider  materialistic lifestyle.

10.Evaluate  spiritual values.


The programme explored the expansive richness of Indian philosophy and its relevance to contemporary management principles. The program aimed to understand the philosophical foundations of Indian thought, promote its integration into contemporary management practices, and create a platform for dialogue and discussion among educators, researchers, and management professionals.

Dr. S K Dutta  (Acclaimed Right Wing Thinker . Expert Panelist with BBC World Russia Today International Channel News Asia ANI TimesNow Republic TV Zee News CNN News18 etc.) addressed on “Revisiting Ancient Indian Thought of Greater India and its Relevance today”

He said this is evident even today in the form of artefacts and its local culture still incorporates Art, architecture, rituals, and cultural elements from the Rāmāyaṇa and the Mahābhārata which have been adopted and customised increasingly with a regional character. There were works of art and architecture that were comparable to those built in India, notably in terms of size, design, and aesthetic accomplishments. The Angkor Wat temple in Cambodia and Borobudur in Java are two noteworthy examples. The incorporation of old Indian Vedic/Hindu and Buddhist culture and philosophy into Myanmar, Tibet, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaya, Laos,

and Cambodia is a defining feature of the cultural connection between Southeast Asia and

the Indian subcontinent.


Prof. Girishwar Misra, Prof. Rajen Gupta and Prof Ankur Joshi discussed on the

topic of “Setting the base for inclusion of Indian Thought on Management Curriculum


Prof Girirshwar Misra (A Professor, Former Vice Chancellor, Social scientist, Psychologist and Author from India ) highlighted the core ideas of Indian Thought and how it provides an

alternative ontological and epistemological viewpoint compared to the positivitic and heavily

methods/experimental focus of Western psychology. The growth of scientific psychology has

resulted in losing out on the subjectivity and human experience – which is key to any

psychological endeavour – and thus due to this, psychology today provides a fragmented

and superficial account of what it is to be a human. Hence, there is a need to integrate

ethno, cultural and indigenous approaches into inquiry and to come up with new models in

management and psychology that would have relevance not only for India but also for the

World. In Indian Thought, focus is not on the individual who is only interested in survival and

self growth, but the individual is seen as a part of a whole and its growth is contingent upon

the growth of the other co-inhabitants of the universe.

Prof Rajen Gupta ( CURRENTLY Research advisor IIM Sirmaur )highlighted that India’s research culture has not developed indigenously

and research scholars here are primarily focussed on applying Western concepts and

theories in the Indian context or replicating studies done in the west, and thus the knowledge

created through such research is found to be of limited application to Indian Management

Practitioners. To address this, disconnect academic research needs to be more context

specific and relevant to business organizations. Indian researchers need to conduct rigorous

studies using context relevant constructs and methodologies to make academic research

more relevant to the Indian business practitioner. The imitation of the Western model of

research has not contributed to discovering any new knowledge about how organizations in

India operate and what are the unique challenges they face. Thus, research should be

grounded in the context in which Indian businesses operate and thus the need arises to work

closely, on the ground, with Indian businesses to understand them.

Prof Ankur Joshi , ( Assistant Professor at FMS-WISDOM, Banasthali Vidyapith ) shared his journey how as a Research Scholar he had to unlearn dominant

Western research paradigms which had limited applicability in the Indian context. He also

pointed out how during his research he had to challenge the dominant ontological and

epistemological assumptions to study the essence and nuances of the context of Education

in the Gurukul system of India. He also shared the curriculum he is currently using to teach

students about indigenous management thought , and also the role of emerging AI predictive

tools and chatbots and how they can be used to supplement research in the years ahead.

Prof Ajay K Jain, Prof MDI gurgaon  said that we have established centre at Hindustan Institute and they will carry forward the concept of IMT.


Shaveta Gupta , Reiki Healing Master guided students on Meditation . She said that her own life got transformed once she started yoga . She said yoga is a blessing as she is not dependent on any medication.

She said that Shocking statistics from the Indian National Health Portal show that 30 per cent per cent of adult Indians have elevated blood pressure levels

2) Children and young adults have started taking nutritional and health supplements at a very young age to combat nutritional and mental deficiencies


3) I believe that the solutions to all these problems has existed in the teachings of our Dharma, in Yog. Yog is a way of life, it is a lifestyle. It is not just a way to reduce your weight or build muscle. It teaches you breathwork which inherently brings qualities like patience, mindfulness, exploration of self and a healthy mind is home to a healthy body.


4) I want to create awareness about the benefits of adopting Yog in the modern era, in our new generations and the generations to come by after that. There is no feeling greater than having control over your mind and senses, achieving self awareness and this can be done holistically by adopting Yog and meditation.


5) I want our youth to appreciate the gift of Yog that was born in India and is now much more appreciated in foreign countries as it is in India. Achieving control over your mind, body and soul is the “coolest” thing in the universe and I want our millennial and Gen Z kids to avail the many benefits of a lifestyle within Yog and mindfulness.


6) With the increasingly competitive ecosystems that kids today are growing in, mental health and happiness are getting affected at a very young age. With the adoption of Yog and meditation, one can get rid of anxiety and high pressure situations. It is my goal to spread awareness about the practice of Yog and debunk the myths surrounding this beautiful practice.


7) With the honour of speaking at sessions like these, I believe we are together driving a wave of change among Indian youth to a path lesser taken, but much more fruitful.

Concluding the session Dr Naveen Gupta Ji said that essence is we need to follow our roots and practice our old age system of Indian ethos if we want to be healthy and happy .

Students  appreciated the session a lot