Agra. Khatib and Imam Juma Muhammad Iqbal of Nahar Wali Masjid located in Sikandra in his Khutba e Juma that In today’s Friday Sermon, we will talk about the work for which Allah has sent us in this world. Do we know about this? Those who know are worthy of congratulations, but those who do not know, they should find out from their own heart that in which category they are, Allah has made human beings the most honorable in the whole universe. Why? Because it has been sent by telling that you have to “Stop people from evil and invite them towards good”. Surah Aale Imran Ayat number 110. But we ourselves have forgotten this work after coming into the world and now we are being explained by giving examples of others. What else can be “insulting” for a person bigger than this? The example of that which has been created by man himself, yes! Mobile phone. We all know that the main function of the phone is to talk to each other but there are many more “features” in it that you use, whats app, facebook and many more apps like that, when we use any app and a call comes from somewhere, you will see that your phone intercepts this app and transmits the call to you, it remembers that the main task is to talk to each other, but this Hazrat, the person whom Allah has created “Ashraful Makhluqaat”, he got so engrossed in the world that he left the real work. We all have to go back to our Lord and answer for this and all these things have been told by Allah in the Qur’an and the Prophet of Allah in his life till the Qayamat for the human beings, but the human being has proved to be very careless, neither the Qur’an nor the Hadith is affecting him. We should know this thing that if we are not affected by the words of Allah or the words told by the Prophet, then we are “dead-bodies” moving on this earth. We are just completing our time to go to the grave the time which only Allah knows. Servants of Allah! Time is passing by so fast we don’t even realize it. When will we finally wake up from sleep? Even Firaun was awake at the time of death. But to no avail. Before leaving this Masjid today, we have to make this decision, otherwise a great loss awaits us. May Allah grant us the ability to return to our real work. Aameen.
We Forgot The Real Work!