Agra . Khateeb of Masjid Nehar Wali Sikandra, Muhammad Iqbal described the Messenger of Allah as the best ideal in the world in the Sermon before Namaz-e-Juma. He said that even non-Muslims believe in him. Even in the book named ‘Top Hundred’ of the world, the Prophet of Allah has been placed on the ‘first’ position. The world is testifying to this that there is no one better than ‘Muhammad Rasulullah’, but the sad thing is that those who beat their hands on the chest and say that they are followers of the Prophet, do not believe in the Prophet themselves. It is surprising that the Prophet of Allah is saying that “Namaz is the coolness of my eyes.” (Nisai, Hadith number : 3391) and the one who calls himself a Muslim is careless about Namaz, he does not care at all. Deliberately skipping Namaz. He is giving pain to the Prophet. There is no benefit in beating one’s chest and calling one a Muslim. In fact, the matter is about ‘believing’ in the prophet as well as ‘obeying’ the prophet. In this month (Rabi Ul Awwal) we should take a decision, we claim to love the Prophet a lot. Today is the time to put it into practice. The Prophet of Allah used to fast on Monday and Thursday (Tirmizi, Hadith number : 747). On Monday because on this day the Prophet of Allah was born and on Thursday because on this day the deeds of the people are presented. The task to be done is that we follow this Sunnah of the Prophet. Who is the servant of Allah who will take this decision in his heart in the masjid today that if he lived alive, he will keep the fast of Monday and Thursday out of love for the Prophet. In-Sha-Allah. O the servants of Allah! Alongwith believing in the Prophet, also follow the Prophet’s Sunnah. Similarly, take this decision today that I will not skip Namaz as long as I am alive. In-Sha-Allah. Only then will our claim be proven ‘true’. Otherwise you decide yourself. There is no need to take fatwa from any Dar-ul-Uloom, your heart will testify whether you are true Muslims or just ‘in name’. Only the names of the truthful will be recorded in Allah’s list. We should understand this very well. May Allah keep us all believers till our death. Aameen.
Name of the Messenger first in ‘Top Hundred’ list : Muhammad Iqbal
September 29, 20230

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