Agra | Muhammad Iqbal, Imam of Masjid Naharwali Sikandra, addressed the people in Masjid today about the ‛fear of Allah’. He first recited the Quran’s Surah which is translate d as– “so fear Me if you are believers.” (Aale-Imran : Ayat number 175). He said that our situation today is that we are afraid of everyone except Allah. Sometimes we are afraid of poverty, sometimes we are afraid of diseases, sometimes we are afraid of losing our jobs, sometimes of our boss, sometimes of the Government, sometimes of someone else and sometimes of something else. This means that we are constantly living in an environment of fear and dread. What is the solution to this? The Quran gave the solution to this, “Fear Me only if you are believers.” Now we have to decide whether we are believers or not? We are afraid of everyone except Allah. Listen well, one who fears Allah then everyone is afraid of him. We have to change this environment. Today let us decide to fear only Allah. I swear by the Creator of the universe, if we fear only our Lord then the whole world will fear us. For this we just have to ‛obey Allah’. May Allah grant us all this. Ameen.
Release yourself from the environment of fear and dread : Muhammad Iqbal
February 9, 20240

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