
Indresh Kumar’s Birth Anniversary Ushers in a Week of Benevolence

MRM’s Impactful Initiatives Spread Compassion Far and Wide

New Delhi, The week-long celebration of RSS National Executive member Indresh Kumar’s birthday kicked off with fervor on Sunday, as Muslim Rashtriya Manch (MRM) embraced the spirit of public service during the annual “Sadbhavna Week.” From free cancer treatments to diverse acts of kindness, MRM’s impactful initiatives showcase a commitment to fostering goodwill and unity. Shahid Sayeed, the media in-charge of the MRM, shared detailed insights about the impactful initiatives during the Goodwill Week.

Preparations for the Goodwill Week began a month ago, with a comprehensive plan formulated during a meeting in New Delhi on the 24th of last month. Chaired by National Convenor Mohammad Afzal, the meeting set the stage for a week filled with meaningful activities.

Indresh Kumar’s Manch workers, dispersed across the country, engage in public utility works, celebrating “Goodwill Week” with diverse events such as cake-cutting ceremonies, prayers for his well-being, and nation’s prosperity. The focus extends to promoting peace, unity, and integrity within the country.

Committed to national service, MRM actively participates in public service through various cells. Notably, a cancer specialist from the MRM conducted a free cancer operation on Sunday, exemplifying the organization’s dedication to healthcare.

Activities during Sadbhavna Week include blood camps, tree planting, distribution of blankets, clothes, grains, and food, showcasing a holistic approach to community welfare. The initiative also emphasizes the well-being of cows, provides educational materials for children, and supports the needy with nourishing meals.

In essence, MRM’s compassionate approach during the Goodwill Week reflects its commitment to making a positive and lasting impact on the lives of individuals and communities nationwide.