
‛Dedicate’ the coming Ramadan to others : Muhammad Iqbal

Agra | Muhammad Iqbal, Imam of Masjid Naharwali Sikandra, in today’s Friday Sermon, addressed to the worshippers about Fasting. He said that fasting is actually the name of ‘feeling’ the hunger, thirst and need of others, but we have made fasting a means of eating and drinking a lot, due to which the real purpose of it has been lost. All our attention is only on which are the good dishes and what is new this time. It is a matter of great regret that we have sacrificed Fasting with our own hands. May we make fasting helpful in solving the problems and needs of others. Fasting is the name of this feeling so that we become aware of the needs of others and our efforts are to solve them and not just in the ‛taste’ of our food. Today’s Muslim community is only thinking about how to spend on food and weddings. They are not concerned with other people’s problems. Make this coming Ramadan a means of your salvation for the sake of Allah and try your best to make someone capable of standing on his own feet, only then there is benefit in this Ramadan, otherwise we will continue performing the ritual only like every year. Which servant of Allah decides today in this masjid that he will ‛dedicate’ the coming Ramadan for someone else ? May Allah bless us all with this. Aameen.