
Giving shoulder to the dead is an act of reward, this Ramadan give a ‘shoulder’ to the living : Muhammad Iqbal

Agra | In today’s Friday Sermon  Muhammad Iqbal, Imam of Masjid Naharwali, focused on ‘helping’ the people. He said that today our mood has changed a lot. We wait for someone to ‘die’ so we can help his family. There is a reward to give shoulder to the dead, but do we ever give ‘shoulder’ to the living too ? You would have ‘helped’ the once living person by thinking that this guy could stand on his feet. Has any one of us ever done this ? If ‘yes’ then he deserves congratulations, otherwise we just wait for death. Nowadays, there is a lot of trends of Umrah and Umrah is happening many times. There is a kind of ‘competition’ in Ramadan. There is a reward for Umrah in Ramadan. There is no denying it, but a person among your relatives or neighborhood is living the life of a ‘needy’, have you realized ? Those who travel for Umrah again and again ! Let your brothers stand on thier feet. Reduce the ‘line’ of Zakat receiver in Ramadan. This is also a huge reward. Listen to one thing with open ears, if your neighbor is a Deobandi, Barelvi, Shia or a non-Muslim, then he himself will answer to Allah, but if he is in need, poor, indebted and troubled, then you will have to answer for it. Money is being wasted blindly in weddings. There is a need to think a lot on this. If you feel happy seeing someone in trouble, then understand that you too are standing in line. O believers of Allah ! a believer is one who gets upset after seeing the problems of others and comes forward to help him in whatever way he can. I request you all to consider this Ramadan as the last Ramadan of your life and try to help at least one person stand on his feet this time. don’t know if that will become the source of our ‘salvation’. For Allah’s sake, think this way. May Allah make it easier for all of us. Aameen.