
 CAA Uplifts Dignity and Rights: Muslim Rashtriya Manc 

The forum’s ‘Manual Book’ serves as a guiding beacon for the Muslim community, fostering unity among Indian Muslims 
New Delhi  In a resounding endorsement, the Muslim Rashtriya Manch (MRM) expresses its wholehearted approval of the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) in India. National spokesperson Shahid Sayeed articulates that the CAA, a legal framework observed in numerous nations globally, represents a pivotal stride towards the nation’s progress, peace, and security. He commends the government’s judicious timing in enacting this legislation during the auspicious month of Ramzan, elucidating that its purpose is to bestow citizenship without any encroachment on existing citizenship.
The forum’s national convener, Mohammad Afzal, passionately calls upon fellow Muslims to embrace the CAA, assuring them that it is a guarantee of respect and rights. Afzal emphatically emphasizes that the law is not designed to adversely impact Muslims and critiques certain political entities for compromising national interests and security for their own political gains.
Last year, during a four-day workshop in Bhopal, the MRM, under the chairmanship of Chief Patron Indresh Kumar, passed resolutions on various issues, including the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) and the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA). The latter aims to grant citizenship to six religious minorities (Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Parsis, and Christians) who arrived in India before December 2014 from Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan.
The book titled “Indian Muslims: The Foundation of Unity – Hubbul Watani (Nationality),” authored by esteemed Indian Muslim scholars, meticulously outlines the MRM’s stance on various sensitive issues. Shahid Akhtar, the editor of the book and national coordinator of the MRM, underscores its significance as a comprehensive reference and research guide. The book provides profound insights into the role of Indian Muslims within the constitutional and Islamic frameworks.
Among the myriad topics covered in the book are the emphasis on equality among religions, Indian Muslims and the Uniform Civil Code, Shariat and one country one law, traditions, culture, and identity of Indian Muslims, the role of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), Muslim population in India, and more. The guiding principle is the commitment to “Nation First” and the paramount importance of unity, integrity, sovereignty, and harmony.
According to the MRM, the book serves as a beacon, promoting unity, education, and progress while countering the pervasive narratives of hatred and violence propagated by certain political entities and religious extremists. The MRM aims to dispel misconceptions and foster a path of truth and peace, connecting Indian Muslims to their roots. “Indian Muslims: Hubbul Watani (Nationalism)” is posited as a guide towards freedom from divisive influences and a testament to the unity that can be found in embracing shared values.