Agra | Muhammad Iqbal, Imam of Masjid Naharwali Sikandra, in the Friday Sermon today, informed the worshipers about two advocates during Ramadan. He said that if we all take good care of these two, then in-sha-Allah, both of them will also support us in the hereafter and that too without any ‘fee’. When one day we will be equal to fifty thousand years and we will have no one to help us, at that time both of them will ‘advocate’ for us in a powerful way before our Lord. One will tell that this person completely abstained from eating, drinking and intimacy for the whole day as per Your orders, he did not do any wrong thing, till the sun set and then he broke his fast on Your orders. Other will tell, O Allah, he stood in Your worship
at night and also recited your ‘Kalaam’ a lot. He took very little rest, so accept the ‘intercession’ of both of us in the ‘favour’ of this person. The last Prophet of Allah gave the good news that Allah would accept the intercession of both of them. Allahu Akbar ! This is the extract of Hadith number 176/2 of Musnad Ahmed. Hope you have understood who these two advocates are. Yes, Roza and Quran. Both have a special connection with Ramadan. But this intercession will be accepted only if we have fulfilled our duty of fasting and reading the Quran during Ramadan, we have done whatever Allah and his Messenger told us and not have included our wish. Islam says that Roza and Taraweeh begin after seeing the moon and ends after seeing the moon of Eid. Is that what we are doing ? While fasting, we are doing many things which should not be done. Every person can take review of himself. We also finish Taraweeh as per our wish after listening to the entire Quran in five-six days. Then we are on leave. Which Islam is this? This type of Islam is not the Deen from heaven. We have made it as per our wish. In this way we ‘displeased’ both Roza and the Quran. Then on what basis is there hope for intercession ? O servants of Allah, please both. Only then will Allah be pleased. May Allah give me and all of you the strength to please both of them. Aameen.
Please Allah by fulfilling the right of Quran and Roza : Muhammad Iqbal