Agra | in today’s Friday Sermon Muhammad Iqbal, Imam of Masjid Naharwali Sikandra, adressed people about Ramadan and life after it. He said that the way we tried to live our lives in this blessed month as per the instructions of Allah and His Messenger, will our same way continue after Ramadan ? If the answer to this is ‘Yes’ then understand that we have achieved ‘something’ from Ramadan, and have ‘surrendered’ ourselves to Allah. This is the sign of success. But if after offering the Eid namaz we think that now we are ‘free’, then understand that even after taking a ‘dive’ in this blessed month, we still remain ‘impure’. There is no need to take ‘Fatwa’ from anyone in this. The real thing is that this blessed month is the month of realization. Have we realized the situation of others ? Today such a big issue is in front of the world. I am talking about Palestine. Gaza has completely turned into a graveyard. People are dying of hunger. But the step that should have been taken against Israel by Muslim leaders till now has not happened. This is the feeling I am talking about. Is this what is called ‘Momin’ ? You all know what is the identity of a believer. You all are smart phone users. Those who believe in Allah as one ! Bring changes in your life after Ramadan. Unless the feeling of ‘realization’ develops within us, we cannot be successful. After Eid, the number of weddings will start and you will see how the expenses are spent lavishly and there is no shortage left. Was our behavior similar during Ramadan also ? Answer will have to be given. Everyone has to appear before their Lord, I appeal to all of you, O servants of Allah ! Pay attention to wedding expenses and take some solid steps. How long will you live by the mercy of others ? Put yourself on your feet. Allah’s help will come only when we take the first step. I wish we would pay attention and think. May Allah give us taufeeq of this. Aameen.
Develop within yourself the feeling for others, that is success : Muhammad Iqbal
April 5, 20240

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