Agra | In the Friday Sermon Muhammad Iqbal, Imam of Masjid Naharwali Sikandra, appealed to the people to be a part of the elections and use their vote. He said that currently a program is going on in the world’s biggest ‘Mother of Democracy’ which is being called ‘Elections’. Everyone knows what is called election. Anyway, we all have to be a part of it and use the rights given to us by our Constitution. But not like every time, rather we have to think very carefully and go to the polling booth and use our ‘vote’ properly with our eyes and mind open. This is everyone’s responsibility. This is the biggest event in democracy in which the public forms the wedding procession and the groom stands in front with folded hands. Now the whole program depends on your ability and whom you like. If you make even the slightest mistake, you may have to suffer for five years or more. This is not an egg bread that will be bought again tomorrow. The decision has to be taken only after careful consideration. This is a matter of you and your children’s future. If you love your country and its democracy then you have to leave the house. Therefore, you are requested to be present when you are ‘called’ and use the rights given by the Constitution for the ‘benefit’ of yourself and your country. This is the requirement of wisdom. Everyone’s eyes are on you. Your decision will decide the ‘direction’ of the country which will decide the future life of you and your children. Are you ready ? Prepare your mind from now and become a part of the world’s biggest program of Mother of Democracy. May Allah Ta’ala grant us taufeeq. Aameen.
Your Vote can change the situation of the country : Muhammad Iqbal