जीवन शैली

If you want happiness then keep this will alive, Allah’s help will also come : Muhammad Iqbal

Agra | Muhammad Iqbal, Imam of Masjid Naharwali addressed the Namazis on a very important part of inheritance in today’s Friday Sermon. He said, what is the reason why we have become careless in this way ? Now everyone is only concerned about his own share and even the testators have forgotten this. This is the reason that today our masjids and our educational institutions have become ‘needy’ in a way and all the charity and donations from the Muslim community is limited only to masjids and madrasas. For this reason poverty is increasing among the Muslim community. Servants of Allah ! Make your masjids and your educational institutions ‘self-dependent’. Its way is the same as the people before us used to do it. That is, earlier people used to bequeath some part of their inheritance to a masjid or a madrasa as per Shariat. According to this will, that ‘property or money’ was given to them and thus it became a source of income. A masjid or a madrasa was required very little ‘donation’ from outside. That money of the community was used for other purposes. At present the entire amount is limited. Other than this way we will not be able to get rid of poverty. Today there is a need for people to bequeath some part of their inheritance in the name of a masjid or some educational institution as per Shariat. Then the remaining property should be divided among the heirs. In this way our masjids and institutions can become self-dependent as they will have a continuous source of income and will continue to grow every year. Its planning needs to be done very sincerely. You should plan from now, this is a big infinite charity. It is unfortunate that people are unaware of this aspect. All those friends who are in this position should complete this work in their life and make a bequest as per Shariat from their inheritance so that our masjids and institutions do not just wait for donations, they also have their own income. This is a kind of ‘campaign’, all of you should participate in this work, make people understand and make them will. By forgetting this will, we have set ourselves back far behind. May Allah Ta’ala give us all the right wisdom. Aameen.