जीवन शैली

If you want success in this world and hereafter then think above the circumstances : Muhammad Iqbal,

Agra | Muhammad Iqbal, Imam of Masjid Naharwali, in today’s Friday Sermon told people the stories of Prophet Muhammad about rising above the circumstances and thinking. He said that when the Prophet of Allah reached Madina after migrating with his friend Abu Bakr Siddiq Razi Allahu Ta’ala Anhu, the people of Madina welcomed them like this, “You both are safe here and are our leaders.”― Musnad Ahmad Hadith No. 12234. But the message given by the Prophet of Allah was far above the situation. If you look at Seerah Ibn Hisham, Volume 1 and Page Number 503, you will know that he issued ‘Madina Declaration’. It was written in it, “For the Jews, it is their Deen and For the Muslims it is their Deen”. This is a big thing when at that time he was in such a position that he could declare Islam completely. But he did not do this. There is a big ‘lesson’ in this for us. Similarly, 70 Mushrikeen were taken prisoner in Badr, the redemption that was fixed for their release is difficult to find an example of in the whole world. The redemption was that to teach writing to the children of Madina– Musnad Ahmad Hadith No. 2216. According to Prophet’s policy, all the teachers of this first school in Madina belonged to the Mushrikeen group. You will find many such examples in the teachings of Allah’s Prophet, which are ‘models’ for us. We should also try to think beyond the situation. This is the Prophet’s method, if we follow it then success in this world and in the hereafter will be our destiny. If Allah wills. May Allah grant us all this. Aameen.