Agra | Muhammad Iqbal, Imam of Masjid Naharwali, addressed the people about sacrifice in today’s Friday Sermon. He said that the person who intends to sacrifice should not cut his hair and nails after seeing the moon of Zul-Hijja – Hadith number 4663 of Musnad Ahmad. The Prophet of Allah was asked what is sacrifice? He said- This is the Sunnah of your father Ibraheem –Musnad Ahmed. In fact, sacrifice is not just the name of slaughter an animal, it is a sacred thing. Its purpose needs to be seen as to what Allah wants from us. The reality of sacrifice is that you give whatever you have, so that you can get what you do not have. Sacrifice is a lesson that if you want to achieve something, then have the courage to give something. We should keep this principle in mind. This sacrifice also reminds us every year that just as we slaughter an animal on the orders of Allah, in the same way we have to fulfill whatever orders of Allah are given to us. This is not just a matter of sacrificing the animal. For example, when Allah orders that it is time for Namaz, then one has to leave everything and offer Namaz. It is also a sacrifice that you were busy in your work but the time for Namaz came and you offered Namaz. This is what Allah wants from us. The Sunnah of Ibraheem is a complete mission. I request you all to read the verses 100 to 110 of Surah Assaffat of Quran Kareem, along with the translation you will know what is the real Sunnah of Ibraheem. If there is any faith in your heart, you will feel pain and your eyes will become moist. O servants of Allah, read and see how the Quran has described this. Such an incident has neither happened before in the world nor will happen now till the Qiyamat. We will find out what is called a sacrifice. May Allah grant us all the ability to understand the purpose of sacrifice. Aameen.
The real sacrifice is to give something to get a lot : Muhammad Iqbal
June 7, 20240

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