Agra | In today’s Friday sermon, Muhammad Iqbal, Imam of Masjid Naharwali, addressed the people about Hajj, an important part of Islam. He said that the biggest importance of Hajj is that the person performing Hajj is a guest of Allah. What a great privilege it is that our host is the Lord of the entire universe. And if the person who is able to perform Hajj does not perform Hajj, then he will be die as a Jew or a Christian. What a great destitute this is, as he has left Islam. He further said that every year approximately twenty lakh Muslims from all over the world reach Makka Mukarrama for this worship and leaving aside the clothes of their countries, everyone is seen wearing the same clothes. This scene is so soul-lifting that it seems as if the differences between all the people have disappeared and they all are present in front of their Lord in the big plain of Arafat. As if they are saying that our Lord is one, our Messenger is also one and we all are one. Here the king and the people are seen together in the same dress. This congregation of Hajj shows the importance that just as we are united in the plains of Arafat, this is the big message for the people of the whole world that all are children of Aadam, no one is small or big. In the sight of Allah, he will be great who will ‘obey Allah’ while believing in Allah. The sermon of Hajj given by Rasulullah in the plain of Arafat itself is the mandate of Aqwam-e-Muttahida today. We should know the Hajj sermon of Allah’s Prophet and what message he gave to the world. Hajj sermon is available on the internet, download it, read it yourself and teach it to your children too. This will be the real benefit of using the internet. Remember this hadith of Ibne Majah, Rasoolullah said, “That is, may Allah bless him who listens to my words and then conveys them to others.” May Allah bless us all with this blessing. Aameen.
He who ‘obeys’ Allah, is greater in the sight of Allah, this is the message of Hajj : Muhammad Iqbal
June 14, 20240
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