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O Allah ! We are weak, we do not have the strength to face our challenges, you alone are sufficient for us : Muhammad Iqbal

Agra | The Imam of Masjid Neharwali, Muhammad Iqbal, in today’s Friday sermon, focused on one of the evils prevalent in society. He said that we lose hope very quickly and then start speaking ill of our rivals, even going as far as raising our hands in prayer to ‘curse’ them. This behavior is seen even in households, where parents are cursing their own children. Today, we will see what Islam teaches us about this. We have all heard the famous incident of Ta’if, where during the journey to Ta’if, how the Prophet of Allah was troubled. Blood flowed so much that it filled his shoes. The angel of the mountains came, introduced himself and said that he was just waiting for the Prophet’s ‘command’. He asked if he should crush the town of Ta’if between the two mountains. The historic words of the Prophet were, “I have hope that Allah will raise from their descendants people who will worship Allah alone and associate no partners with Him.” He did not curse the people of Ta’if. And what Allah says in the Quran, you should write it down today. There was a moment when the Prophet of Allah started cursing four men. Their evil was so immense that the Prophet named them and invoked curses upon them during the second rak’ah of the Fajr Namaaz, after rising from ruku. But listen, Muslims, and remember, Allah stopped His beloved Prophet from doing this. At that very moment, Angel Jibreel came with revelation, and in Surah Aale Imran, Aayat 128, Allah said, “You have no part in the decision; whether He (Allah) turns to them in mercy or punishes them, for indeed they are wrongdoers.” Think about it, Allah Himself is calling them wrongdoers, yet He still stopped the Prophet from cursing them. This is a great message for us. Is there anyone who will take lesson from this? What are we doing? We need to reflect. Let Allah’s work be left to Allah. We must never abandon ‘patience’ under any circumstances. O Allah, we are weak, we do not have the strength to face our challenges, you alone are sufficient for us, protect the lives, wealth and faith of the Muslims. Aameen.