Agra | In today’s sermon, the preacher of Nehar Wali Masjid told the worshippers not to disobey Allah and become deserving of punishment like the Israelites. He said that Allah the Almighty sent our last Prophet (PBUH) from the descendants of Ismail, and Ismail (AS) was obedient to Allah and always thankful to Him. If you look at history, you will see this clearly. Then why do we, by disobeying Allah, try to follow the path of the Israelites? Have we not read in the Quran how Allah reminds the Israelites of His favors? “Allah the Almighty repeatedly tells the Israelites, ‘I gave you this, I gave you that, I gave you a country, I gave you fields, I saved you from your enemies, I sent food down from the sky for you, yet you became ungrateful, you did not acknowledge My favors.’ Similarly, after receiving all blessings, if someone does not thank Allah, does not remember His favors, then they become like the Israelites. Then, Allah disgraces them just like He did with the Israelites and even though they have everything, they lose peace and security. We have countless blessings from Allah, yet we appear to be sad. Could it be that we are becoming like the Israelites? Reflect on this. Turn back to Allah and His Messenger. Allah made us the followers of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) from the descendants of Ismail. Where are we headed? Think about it. Seek forgiveness for your sins and thank Allah. May Allah grant us the ability to do so, Aameen.”
Do not become deserving of punishment like the Israelites by disobeying Allah : Muhammad Iqbal
September 20, 20240

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