
Serious Allegations of SC/ST Harassment Against JNU’s Prof. Mazhar Asif—Will the Education System Be Corrupted by Making a Casteist Criminal the Vice-Chancellor of Jamia Millia Islamia?

A horrifying case of casteism and abuse of power has emerged, which not only attacks the rights of the SC/ST community but also shakes the foundation of our education system. Professor Mazhar Asif of Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) has been accused of brutal caste-based discrimination and harassment against a female employee, Reena, from the Scheduled Tribe (ST) community. While holding a senior position in a higher educational institution, Asif not only misused his position and power but also attempted to crush the dignity and rights of the SC/ST community. Will a casteist criminal like him be made the Vice-Chancellor of a central university, playing with the future of thousands of students and staff?

During his tenure as Associate Dean of LLC JNU from 2019 to 2020, Mazhar Asif made every possible attempt to ruin the career of Reena, who belongs to the Scheduled Tribe community. It is alleged that Asif deliberately gave Reena low grades, blocked her promotions, and favored ineligible junior candidates over her. This is a clear example of caste discrimination, where a powerful official targeted a woman from a marginalized community.

Reena knocked on the doors of the Delhi High Court and the National Commission for Scheduled Tribes for justice, where the seriousness of her complaint led to an independent review of her performance evaluations. The result was shocking—the initially given low grades of only 5.5 were increased to 8.66 after review, proving that Prof. Mazhar Asif had intentionally acted unjustly.

Several years have passed since this case came to light, and although Reena has bravely fought for justice, Asif remains at the center of power, having successfully suppressed this case using his political and personal connections. In contrast, he is now in the race to become the Vice-Chancellor (VC) of Jamia Millia Islamia, which not only symbolizes injustice but also opens the doors to casteism and discrimination in the academic world.

This case raises a big question—can we entrust the leadership of a central university to such a casteist and tyrannical individual? If Mazhar Asif is allowed to become the Vice-Chancellor of Jamia Millia Islamia, it will lay the foundation for an even more terrifying future for SC/ST community students and staff.

It is time for the government and judiciary to take immediate and strict action against Mazhar Asif. Ignoring this case would not only betray justice but also signal danger to all those fighting against caste discrimination. It is essential to send a strong message by punishing individuals like Mazhar Asif that casteism and oppression will not be tolerated at any cost.

If action is not taken now, it will deal a severe blow to the education system of the country and the interests of the SC/ST community.