Agra | In today’s Friday sermon, the preacher of Masjid Neharwali, Muhammad Iqbal, appealed to the people to introduce their fellow citizens to their mosque in their areas. He mentioned that such programs have already started in many parts of the country, and by the grace of Allah, the results are very positive. Every non-Muslim who visits the mosque leaves with a very good impression. This is also a part of sharing the message that we provide information about our place of worship to others. We can invite them to the mosque and explain its various aspects, such as the Qibla direction, Mimbar, Azaan, Ablution (Wudhu), prayer mat, rows, etc. Along with this, we can offer them a translated copy of the Quran in Hindi or English, and if possible, arrange some refreshments as well. This is an important verbal act of invitation (Daawah). Our duty is to introduce our place of worship in a good manner. The hearts of all people worldwide are under Allah’s control and we don’t know when someone’s heart might change. Our job is to do our part and leave the rest to Allah. The main point is that many people still do not know what ablution is, how prayers are performed in the mosque, what the role of an Imam is, and the timings of different prayers. It is our responsibility to share this knowledge. The Deen that has reached us must now be conveyed to others, and we are accountable for this. Therefore, be sure to pass on this message to others, and every responsible person should invite their fellow citizens to learn about their mosque. This will bring a positive change in society, if Allah wills. May Allah grant us all the ability to do this, Aameen.
Introduce fellow citizens to the mosque and present a practical Daawah : Muhammad Iqbal
November 1, 20240

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