Agra | The Preacher of Masjid Neharwali, Muhammad Iqbal, delivered the Friday Sermon today and spoke to the worshippers about the religion of Islam. He said that Allah has called us “Muslim” in the Quran and clearly stated in Surah Aal-e-Imran, Ayat no. 19, that “Indeed, the religion in the sight of Allah is Islam.” Unfortunately, it seems we have failed to understand both these points. We have even given ourselves different names, and as for the religion, we have made countless alterations, may Allah protect us. Among today’s Muslims, there is a widespread tendency to blindly follow the elders (Akaabir) instead of Allah. Eliminating this misguidance and establishing the worship of only one Allah is the primary duty. A person who follows the way of the Prophet (peace be upon him) is often looked at “differently”. However, according to a tradition, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “In times of corruption in my Ummah, whoever revives my Sunnah will receive the reward of one hundred martyrs.” This calls for serious reflection on our part. The true task is to bring change within individuals, not to overhaul the collective system. Changing the system is a confrontational policy. Instead, invite people towards Islam with wisdom. Today’s Muslims have abandoned their duty of spreading this message. They mistake other activities for this responsibility. The real duty is to revive the message of Allah in its true essence and convey it to the people. Reviving the Sunnah of the Prophet in these times is extremely difficult, which is similar to being killed a hundred times. That is why the Prophet (peace be upon him) said that such a person will have the reward of one hundred martyrs from Allah. We need to focus on this. We have distorted even the name and essence of the religion. Do we have an answer for this? May Allah keep us steadfast on His Deen. Aameen.
Muslims of the present era have forgotten their duty to call others towards Islam : Muhammad Iqbal
November 29, 20240

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