Report। Shozab Muneer
Aligarh. A Conference on Climate Change was organised by the Aligarh Muslim University. The Chief organiser Dr M. Salahuddin ( Former Director of MoEFCC) told in his welcome address that the purpose of this conference is to focus on the vital research by the scientists on the important aspects of climate crisis which the mother Earth is facing. He informed the audiance that AMU has been the poineers who contributed for the cause of environment since decades and gave the example of Syed Zahoor Qasim, under whose leadership the first Indian delegation landed at Antartica for the vital research. Later he became the first secretary of the Ministry of Environment and Forest, Government of India. The contribution of the Dr. Salim Ali on bird research is still a roadmap to the scientists of the world. Dr.M.Salahuddin also emphasized to take the lead on Climate change which is the biggest enemy of the mankind. The climate crisis is not only an issue of India but the existence of the entire globe is at stake. This University has always shown the way to this country in crisis, therefore our scientists will also come forward to save the planet by their scientific inputs to the scientific community of the world. More than 100 scientists are already engaged at AMU in world class research at various aspects of environment.
Prof Razaullah Khan, Prof Izhar Farooqi & Prof. Afiffulah Khan endorsed the idea of high quality research at AMU. They also emphasized that our good team of scientists is already available in this University and ready to accept the challenges of this climate crisis provided the required funds for equipments, logistics and experts are provided by the government. Prof Afiffulah Khan also informed that process has already been started for opening a dedicated center for research on environment especially on climate change, whose approval is pending with the competent authority, Government of India.
The chief guest Prof. Tariq Mansoor, Former VC of AMU highlighted the importance of climate change the world is facing. He told that air pollution, biodiversity and rise in the sea level due to increase in the temperature of the globe. He stressed for collaborative research on environment with various stakeholders of the country and informed that AMU has enough potential to carry out the work on climate change.
Dr. Ajay Raghava, Director of MoEFCC, informed that basically the developed countries are responsible for the present crisis of the climate change who are emitting a maximum quantity of carbon dioxide and consuming the maximum natural resources of the world. On the other hand they don’t want to own the responsibility and putting pressure on developing countries to bear the burden. The developed countries are not ready to provide financial assistance and the advanced technologies which they committed in the Paris agreement, 2015. He also emphasized that Climate Change is not an issue of the country rather everyone has to take part in the current fight with the most potential enemy. He stressed that AMU can play a very important role to tackle this issue. Prof Atul Kumar, JNU emphasized that unless sustainable energy generation is not adopted by the world the carbon emissions cannot be controlled and coal based energy will continue to emit carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide in the atmosphere, therefore, other sources of renewable energy production must be explored by the world community, without further delay. Dr. Ahrar Ahmad Lone, an expert on sociology highlighted the adverse impact of climate change on human being. He categorically told that the serious impact of the climate change will be on Agriculture, health and every walk of the Life will suffer from the climate calamities.
AMU holds a Conference on Climate Change.