उत्तर प्रदेश

Mock Drill: Terror attack foiled by alert security staff & prompt action!

Travel Made Safe with Agra Metro!!

Agra Metro: Anti – terror Mock Drill at Mankameshwar Metro Station; Metro staff along with SSF staff participate in the drill

Agra: An Anti- Terror Mock Drill was organised at Mankameshwar Metro Station and the Security Staff (including the SSF staff deployed at stations), along with the Operations Staff of UPMRC participated in the drill jointly.

In the drill, a suspect was identified by the Security Guard and the information then was immediately passed on to the Station Controller of the Metro Station and Station – In Charge of SSF.

As soon as this information was obtained, emergency alarms started blaring in the station premises and continuous announcement regarding vacating the station was done.

The security forces rushed from all direction to nab the suspect and the station was vacated successfully after the suspect was secured. After following this standard procedure, the Mock Drill got over successfully.

The mock drill was conducted to analyze the security conditions at the metro stations and apprise the staff present at these stations on how to handle the situation effectively, keeping in mind the passenger safety and security, in case something untoward happens.

It is to be noted that Such Mock drill are conducted frequently by UPMRC regarding Fire Safety, Earthquake, Terror Attack, etc. in order to ensure utmost safety of metro commuters. The staff is made aware of all the procedures so that they are well equipped to handle such type of situations deftly.