
Beware of those who use religious rituals and customs for cheap politics, Sufi Kausar Majidi.

Roza is an important pillar of Islam, one of the five basic principles of Islam. Roza is mandatory for every Muslim man and woman who have reached puberty and those who are capable of fasting, except those who are exempted from fasting on certain occasions in the verses mentioned about fasting in Surah Al-Baqarah.

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Just as Namaaz is an Ibadat, similarly, Roza is also an Ibadat, and it is such an Ibadat which is the most preferred act by Allah Subhan Hu Ta’ala. There are many such statements which show that Roza is the hest Ibadat and the Rozadar has a high status in the court of Allah Subhan Hu Ta’ala.

Ijtemaiyat is the special identity of Islam, and it has many virtues and blessings. Apart from this, the teaching of Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam is also to fulfill the legitimate needs of the people, and feeding them has great importance, its reward increases manifold in Ramadan, this is the reason why the practice of Roza Iftar parties is common on the occasion of Ramadan-ul-Mubarak, the purpose of Iftar party is to make the fasting people break their fast, but political parties and other social organizations use every occasion to make their presence felt among the people under their own objectives and purposes, whether it is the use of Friday or other Islamic rituals or Roza Iftar party, people have found their own benefits on every occasion. Politics is being done in the name of Iftar party for the last 75 years in the country, often the people who attend these are not even fasting. The purpose of political Iftar parties is only vote bank politics, nothing else. Due to such functions, people who are against Islam or Muslims often get a chance to say absurd things. Such functions not only defame Muslims, but are also equivalent to making fun of a great form of worship like fasting. Therefore, the culture of political Roza Iftar parties should end. But in contrast to all this, now another such disgusting act is being done which is completely shameful for humanity. Organizations associated with a handful of Mullahs and Maulvis of a particular school of thought are boycotting the Iftar parties of some other political groups for some specific agenda for the benefit of their top political group.

All these actions are not only unethical, unconstitutional but also against the teachings of Islam.

Sufi Khanqah Association strongly condemns all such Mullahs and Maulvis and organizations who are not ready to accept Muslims other than their school of thought as Muslims, for playing politics of political gains and losses in the name of Iftar parties, and wants to tell the common Muslims to be cautious of those who use religious rituals and customs for their cheap politics.